
05 July, 2012

What is Marriage?

I'm appalled by the fact that some of our church people find it acceptable for the Marriage Act to be amended to allow same-sex marriage even though they are not homosexual themselves. The very reason is that, they argue, people can choose their lifestyle and sex-orientation and they should be allowed so.

There is grave misunderstanding between the freedom for them to choose their lifestyle, and the need (if any) to amend the law to allow that. Under current Australian legislation, homosexual people can choose their lifestyle and opt to unite with their same-sex partners and enjoy certain benefits as a couple. Yet naturally, they are not the same as heterosexual couples and they will never be because of the nature of their union and the outcomes of their union. has put together a simple video to show what the Marriage Act is about. See for yourself and decide if the Marriage Act should be preserved the way it is or not. 

For more info, go to "Defining Marriage - video of the national webcast" hosted by Australian Christian Lobby (

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! I actually find it amuzing how anyone who claims to be a true follower of Christ can reconcile homosexuality and their faith. This sin wasn't just condemned in the Old Testament (as many proponenents of the pro-gay lifestyle will say), but also in the New Testamen (1 Corinthians 6:9)

    This is not saying we judge and condemn those who choose to live that lifestyle. God gives all of us a choice and we're commanded to show love to everyone. But scripture makes it clear, you cannot be a follower of Christ and choose to live a homosexual lifestyle at the same time.
    If you're not wanting to change, you cannot be a disciple. That's what it means to have Jesus Christ as your Lord and not just Saviour.

    From personal experience, any Christian who's been supportive of the pro-gay agenda and re-defining of the marriage act, are lukewarm Christians, if not fakers at best. If people want to support or live a homosexual lifestyle that's fine, just don't call yourself a Christian :)



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